Fraser Forum

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Public schools in Alberta require more than $13,000 taxpayer dollars to educate a student while independent and charter schools require under $5,300 and $9,000 respectively.

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In recent decades, the television sitcom has reflected the massive shift towards urban life.

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Alberta Premier Rachel Notley has called for pipelines to carry Alberta oil to ports in the Atlantic and Pacific.

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While it might not appear so, a higher minimum wage is effectively a tax.

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Since taking office, Alberta Premier Rachel Notley has been very aggressive on the climate file. Attempting to remedy what she portrayed as a history of environmental negligence by her predecessors , the premier swiftly increased and expanded Alberta’s carbon tax, placed a hard cap on carbon dioxide emissions, set stiff targets for reducing methane emissions, declared an accelerated phase-out of coal power generation, and promised to replace much of that power with costlier wind or solar power generation.

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In 2013, 30 per cent of households earning $27,000 or less had to devote 10 per cent or more of their expenditures to energy.

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Growth of U.S. government spending and borrowing might crowd out private-sector investment in the U.S. from Canada.

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The province has run an operating deficit in all but one year since 2008/09—even when oil prices exceeded $90 per barrel.
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If producers are free to manage supplies, then we get healthy competition and lower prices.

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Canada's new top federal tax rate of 33 per cent is being layered on top of several tax increases by the provinces.