Government Spending & Taxes

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Ontario’s mini-budget shows provincial deficit will increase

Provincial government debt-service costs are set to reach $13.2 billion this year.

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Trudeau government plan would have undermined Opposition ability to hold government to account

The principle of no taxation without representation is central to the concept of democracy.

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If history is any guide, COVID-19 will transform Canada in heretofore unknown ways
When the First World War began, there was no expectation that it would spawn an entirely new tax system.

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Trudeau government’s COVID-19 fiscal response avoids major mistakes

Ottawa will spend up to $27 billion supporting individual Canadians and businesses.

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Alberta budget includes relatively small spending reductions

Alberta saw spending reductions of 20 per cent during the reforms of the 1990s.

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Throne speech ignores realities of federal finances

The unemployment rate rose to 5.9 per cent, in the biggest one-month jump since the 2009 recession.

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Trudeau activist government produces red ink and alienation

Since Justin Trudeau entered office, per-person spending has increased by 17.5 per cent in just four years.

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Alberta’s government finances require swift reform, reduction in spending

The Blue Ribbon Panel and the Kenney government face a daunting fiscal challenge.

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Admiral Norman and the cost of military contracts

In fact, $700 million represents the taxes paid by almost 83,000 Canadians.

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