Government Spending & Taxes

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Government workers in B.C. are absent from their jobs for personal reasons 49 per cent more often than private-sector workers.

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Ontario raised its top personal income tax rate by 3.1 percentage points, preventing up to 2,158 new businesses from starting.

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Motorists in Vancouver will see the gasoline tax increase by 1.5 cents per litre.

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The Notley government increased spending by nearly 13 per cent over is first two full fiscal years in office.

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Equalization makes for a handy scapegoat, but successive Alberta governments have no one to blame but themselves for the province’s fiscal problems.

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Credit downgrade shows Ford has work cut out

In order to address Ontario’s dangerous debt burden, the new government must first correctly identify the root of the province’s fiscal problems.

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Per person cost of servicing Alberta debt increasing by roughly $100 per year

Alberta’s days of having unusually low debt servicing costs are coming to an end.

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Report gives false impression on senior poverty in British Columbia

Despite misleading claims, senior poverty in B.C has fallen significantly over the past four decades.

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