Government Spending & Taxes

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The Liberal government remains committed to a misguided fiscal policy approach that spends borrowed money in the hopes of increasing prosperity.

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Planned tax will not significantly offset predicted future global warming.

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Higher energy costs have helped drive Ontario’s anemic economic performance.

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Demand-side forces are still at play regardless of the new tax on foreign buyers.

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High marginal effective tax rates weaken the incentives for people to earn extra money.

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Starting in 1995, Prime Minister Jean Chretien and Finance Minister Paul Martin reduced program spending, balanced the budget and cut taxes.

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On health care, despite a high level of spending, Canadians have comparatively poor access to technology and doctors, and long wait times for surgery.

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Alberta's provincial government has dramatically increased personal and corporate income taxes.

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Taxes for the average Canadian family have increased 1,939 per cent since 1961.

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Alberta’s first-quarter fiscal update now expects the province’s operating deficit this year will be $10.9 billion.

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