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The evidence is clear—Alberta is no ‘petrostate’

With respect to employment, Alberta’s was the most diversified economy in Canada in 2020.

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Rules of the game matter, even in politics

Rules that impose mandatory fiscal discipline help produce better and more responsible fiscal outcomes.

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Age of eligibility for government retirement programs—Canada remains an outlier

In 2015, the federal government scrapped plans to increase the age of eligibility for OAS and GIS.

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Sudbury’s debt binge may come back to bite

The municipality's average per-capita debt increased from $196 to a projected $2,700.

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President Biden doubles down on statism

The president scuttled the Keystone XL pipeline and suppressed domestic production of oil and natural gas.

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B.C. budget fails to tackle big long-term challenges

The province expects net debt to increase by $31.2 billion over the next three fiscal years.

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Reality check—B.C. does not enjoy ‘strong investment’ in mining sector

Investment in B.C.’s mining sector was $720 million in 2021—21 per cent less than in 2020.

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Emergencies Act another blow to Canada's international reputation
The Act allows the government to, without a court order, freeze the bank accounts of Canadians.

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‘Debt’ decision looms for Ontario’s government

The government projects a budget deficit of $21.5 billion for 2021-22.

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Ontario cities experiencing dismal population and job growth

Several major cities including Windsor and Thunder Bay experienced a rate of job creation below the national average.

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