Other Topics

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Groundhog Day in the Golden State—how plans to boost affordability in California keep failing

The situation in California has important implications for Canada’s least-affordable cities including Vancouver and Toronto.

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Government debt—the burden on Albertans continues to grow

Alberta’s portion of the federal debt totals approximately $135 billion.

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Montreal retail woes underscore need for property tax reform

Approximately 15 per cent of Montreal's street-level retail spaces are vacant.

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The plan will require up to an estimated 32,800 employees at firearm collection points.

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Land-use regulation in “superstar” U.S. cities—same old sad story

The typical number of approval bodies with veto power over rezoning increased in many cities.

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Congressional voting on USMCA underscores influence of interest groups

Recent study found that legislator votes coincided with the positions of their constituents only 65 per cent of the time.


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Year of the Wealth Tax?

Senator Elizabeth Warren remains a top contender in the Democratic presidential nomination race.

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Texas shines bright while Alberta dims

Sixty-five per cent of respondents for Alberta were deterred by the high cost of regulatory compliance.

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Ottawa has a big spending problem

Total federal expenditures will grow to a projected $420.5 billion in 2024-25.

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The impact of the carbon tax on Canadian industry

So-called "trade-exposed” industries are the least able to pass on higher costs to consumers.

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