Other Topics

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Fiscal update—increased spending and debt comes at a costs

Program spending could grow by nearly $50 billion in just five years

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Lobbying can lead to monopolies (which can lead to higher prices and/or lower quality)

Roughly 35 per cent of Canada's economy is shielded from competition in some way.

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Saskatchewan tops in the eyes of oil and gas investors, but there’s considerable room for improvement

Investors pointed to regulatory duplication and inconsistencies, which deterred 48 per cent of survey respondents.

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Canadian cheers over pending USMCA may be short-lived

Stronger enforcement of labour provisions will likely increase manufacturing costs in Mexico.

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Tax gap growing between Canada and the U.S.

Canada had an overall tax-to-GDP ratio of 33 per cent.

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Trump tariff threat highlights fundamental change in Canada-U.S. relations

U.S. officials say WTO rules disproportionately advantage other countries.

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Alberta’s reform budget in perspective

The budget includes a 1.6 per cent nominal spending reduction over four years.

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Middle-class prosperity in Canada—some facts

Mona Fortier is the new “minister for middle-class prosperity.”

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Upcoming PISA results will shed light on student performance across Canada
Canada’s national math score dropped 16 points from 2003 to 2015.

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Vancouver’s latest policy on rental development—big bang, or more timid tinkering?

The more floors allowed in new projects, the more feasible they become.

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