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If you’ve got the money, honey, I’ve got the time preference

Nelson gave up substantial amounts of future consumption to finance his current consumption.

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How Ottawa can tackle the housing shortage

The federal government recently committed $1.37 billion to two major rapid transit projects in Metro Vancouver.

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Canada needs more major trading partners beyond China and the U.S.

China still only represents five per cent of our exports.

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A buck is a buck is a buck, except when it isn’t

Making various benefits tax-free gives an advantage to rich people, too.

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Canadian tax rates—diversity worthy of Tolstoy

The share of women in the top one per cent has almost doubled since 1982.

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Fast-growing developing countries will spur demand for oil for decades

Most estimates show continued growth in oil demand through 2040.

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Media bailouts will do more harm than good

Advertisers pay for reaching groups of consumers that will buy their products.

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Ring of Fire breakthrough can’t come soon enough

Ontario’s chromite deposits are valued at an estimated $30 billion to $60 billion.

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Ontario employment gains—an uneven picture

Five Ontario economic regions actually lost jobs in 2019.

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The investment exodus from Alberta continues

Alberta’s scores dropped on all survey questions.

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