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Some of us are making a lot of money because we’re at that stage of life—others of us aren’t.

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Most of us have deep affection for certain places, but for a business, such emotionalism is pure self-indulgence.

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The minimum wage will increase by more than 30 per cent in less than a year-and-a-half.

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For the “typical family” of four, the cost per billion dollars of assistance is $114.28.

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In 2016, average rents in Montreal were $835 a month compared to $1,242 in Toronto and just under $1,300 in Vancouver.

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The Labour government of Tony Blair took a more progressive approach to tuition.

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Like today, timber, lumber and dairy were commodities of interest in trade negotiations in the nineteenth century.

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Economic growth expected to moderate dramatically starting next year.

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President Trump seems to be taking a 1930s-style beggar-thy-neighbour approach to trade.

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There's plenty of room to grow upwards by adding more homes within the city’s existing urban footprint.

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