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Part of being free is being free not to participate in the democratic process if you don’t want to.

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Is anyone really sorry that the job of door-opener on subways has been made technologically obsolete?

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Eighty-eight per cent of minimum-wage earners do not live in a low-income household.

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In remote areas in Canada, the cost of providing Internet service that meets the CTRC’s basic service objectives exceeds the price customers pay.

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Unions become more powerful from a ban on replacements.

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In any U.S.-led tariff-driven trade war, Canada would be collateral damage.

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In light of public outcry, the B.C. government has tasked a committee to examine real estate practices such as flipping and shadow assignment.

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In reality, hardly anybody in Canada is trying raise a family on the minimum wage.

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Statistics Canada has identified five characteristics that are associated with being at risk of falling into persistent low-income status.


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These voluntary relationships clearly benefit the participants, and perhaps that is why the strident opponents resort to hyperbole and fear-mongering.

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