Blog - Fraser Forum

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The Ontario government's fiscal projections assume revenues will grow faster than spending, when the opposite has often been the case.
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To eliminate the deficit, Alberta's government should restrain spending.

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Annual cap on oilsands emissions means that once emissions hit prescribed threshold, no further development will be allowed.

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There are billions more of us humans than there used to be and most of us are living far better than our species has ever lived.

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The problem of a high-cost low-performance system is not just a provincial one—but a Canadian one.

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The issue is whether or not tour guides in Quebec City should be required by law to take a college course before receiving a tour guide license.
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In an effort to make housing more affordable in Greater Vancouver, B.C.’s latest budget exempts newly-built homes worth up to $750,000 from the property transfer tax.

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Budget contained no plan to offset the dramatic increase in business taxes associated with reintroducing the Provincial Sales Tax a few years ago.

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While saying the public sector should focus more on outcomes, McGuinty refuses to look at the end results of his policies for Ontario’s economic performance.

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UBC's board of governors has voted against selling off its $85 million stake in fossil-fuel businesses.

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