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An international group of think tanks from 35 nations and territories from around the world has penned an open letter condemning the actions of the Communist Party of China and supporting the people of Hong Kong. On Tuesday, China’s National People’s Congress passed its controversial national security law, which violates Hong Kong’s Basic Law and encroaches on the city’s freedoms and liberties. The letter, which details Hong Kong’s success since the Second World War in becoming one of the most prosperous, entrepreneurial, and freest places on earth, is signed by 37 member organizations of the Economic Freedom of the World Network, which is led by Canada’s Fraser Institute.

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Between the early 1970s and the mid-1990s, the federal government ran a deficit every year.

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C.D. Howe op-ed cites no empirical evidence or research to substantiate its opinions.

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In 2019, equalization represented 15.5 per cent of provincial revenue in Nova Scotia.

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The province's net government debt may rise 17 per cent in 2020/21.

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Canada's equalization program cost Alberta taxpayers approximately $3.1 billion in 2017.

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While the regulatory change is welcome news, significant reforms are still required to restore investor confidence.

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Alberta became eligible for stabilization payments in 2015/16 and 2016/2017.

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Forecasts project a -5.1 per cent decline in the province's GDP.

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