According to new census data, population growth in Calgary has lagged behind the regional average.
Blog - Fraser Forum
The carbon tax is projected to result in a cumulative $865 million net tax increase on British Columbians over a six-year period.
Changes may discourage Canadian firms from buying cheaper imports from non-U.S. sources.
British Columbia’s natural gas resources are substantial and the international market for liquefied natural gas is growing.
Northern Ontario municipalities have increasingly been raising their residential municipal taxes and sewer/water charges.
The government’s growth strategy should be to see to it Canadian firms spend more of their time producing and competing for profit and less of it talking about producing and competing to hit national targets.
Lower corporate taxes bestow important benefits on individual Canadians.
For a government that claims to want to cut taxes on Canada’s middle class, the Trudeau Liberals are doing a bang up job of increasing them.
The federal government will provide Bombardier, a Canadian aerospace company, with interest-free loans totalling $372.5 million.