
Résultats de la recherche

  1. Joseph Golec

    Joseph Golec is with the Finance Department, School of Business, at the University of Connecticut. ...

  2. Joshua Schultz

    Joshua Schultz is the 2nd Place Winner of the Fraser Institute 2010 Student Essay Contest. Joshua completed an undergraduate degree in history and philosophy at Brock University. Then pursued his M.A. in history at the University of Waterloo and graduated ...

  3. Judith Woodsworth

    Judith Woodsworth is the President and Vice-Chancelor at Concordia University. ...

  4. Julian Harris

    Julian Harris is a Research Fellow with the International Policy Network in the United Kingdom. He holds an M.Sc. in public policy from University College London. ...

  5. Julian Morris

    Julian Morris was appointed Director of the Environment and Technology Program at the London-based Institute of Economic Affairs in 1998. In 2001, he founded the International Policy Network, a think-tank that works on global policy issues related to ...

  6. Julie Kaszton

    Julie Kaszton is a research intern with the Pacific Research Institute in San Francisco, CA. ...

  7. Julie Lajoye

    Julie Lajoye was the former Communications Officer in the Montreal office of The Fraser Institute. ...

  8. Julius Grey

    Julius Grey is a multilingual attorney and law professor with extensive experience in administrative law, constitutional law, family law, criminal law, and civil law. He has litigated numerous complex cases before the Supreme Court of Canada and the ...

  9. June Arunga

    June Arunga is a is journalist and law student at the University of Buckingham in England and is featured in the recent BBC documentary on Africa, The Devil's Footpath. She previously studied law at the University of Nairobi in Kenya and directed ...

  10. K. Fiona Cubitt

    Dr. K. Fiona Cubitt is a Research Associate at the Centre for Aquaculture and Environmental Research at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver. She is also Fellow of the Centre for Social Innovation Research at the University of New Brunswick in ...