
Résultats de la recherche

  1. Vernon L. Smith

    Vernon L. Smith has joint appointments with the Argyros School of Business & Economics and the School of Law at Chapman University in California. He is part of a team that will create and run the new Economic Science Institute at Chapman. In 2002, Dr. ...

  2. Victor Boudreau

    Honourable Victor Boudreau is the Finance Minister of New Brunswick ...

  3. Virginia Gentles

    Virginia Gentles is the former Program Director of Children First: School Choice Trust. Prior to joining Children First, Virginia served as a senior policy advisor at the Ontario Ministry of Education. She brings considerable expertise regarding the role ...

  4. Vito Tanzi

    Vito Tanzi is a consultant to the Inter-American Development Bank. From 1981-2000 he was Director of Fiscal Affairs at the International Monetary Fund, Washington, DC. Vito Tanzi received his Ph.D. in economics from Harvard University and, before joining ...

  5. Walker Asserson

    Walker Asserson is a graduate student in environmental history at Montana State University and an AP social studies teacher at Bozeman High School. He was a summer fellow at the Foundation for Research on Economics and the Environment (FREE) for three ...

  6. Wallace Chan

    Wallace Chan is the Chinese Affairs Coordinator at the Fraser Institute. ...

  7. Wallace Oppal

    Wallace Oppal (QC) is the former attorney general of British Columbia and minister responsible for multiculturalism. A lawyer and former judge, Oppal was first elected to the Legislative Assembly of British Columbia in 2005 as a BC Liberal MLA for ...

  8. Walt Natynczyk

    General Walt Natynczyk is originally from Winnipeg and joined the Canadian Forces in 1975 after spending 5 years as an Air Cadet. He has served in numerous regimental command positions at all levels from tank troop leader up to commanding officer of the ...

  9. Walter Block

    Walter Block, Ph.D., is Harold E. Wirth Eminent Scholar Endowed Chair in Economics, Loyola University, New Orleans. ...

  10. Walter Olson

    Walter Olson is a Senior Fellow at New York's Manhattan Institute. He is a 1975 Yale graduate, and writes regularly for the Wall Street Journal, the Washington Post, the New York Times, and Reason. ...