
Résultats de la recherche

  1. Brad Jones

    Brad Jones is a freelance writer for Ducks Unlimited Canada's national magazine Conservator and other DU publications. For more information about Ducks Unlimited Canada or any of its habitat programs and publications, visit their web site: www.ducks ...

  2. Bjørn Lomborg

    Bjørn Lomborg is adjunct professor at the Copenhagen Business School and author of the best-selling The Skeptical Environmentalist in which he challenged mainstream concerns about the environment and pointed out that we need to focus attention on the most ...

  3. Cornelis "Kees" van Kooten

    Professor of Economics, University of Victoria G. Cornelis van Kooten, a Fraser Institute senior fellow, held the Canada Research Chair in Environmental Studies and Climate at the University of Victoria for 21 years. His research interest focuses on ...

  4. Bev Dahlby

    Senior Fellow, Fraser Institute Bev Dahlby, Senior Fellow of the Fraser Institute, attended St. Peter’s College, the University of Saskatchewan, Queen’s University and the London School of Economics. He was Professor of Economics at the University of ...

  5. Charity-Joy Acchiardo

    Associate Professor of Instruction, Department of Economics, University of Texas at Austin Charity-Joy Acchiardo is Associate Professor of Instruction in the Department of Economics at the University of Texas at Austin. She is the faculty lead for UT’s ...

  6. La journée d’affranchissement de l’impôt 2014

    Les Québécois doivent attendre jusqu’au 14 juin, un jour plus tard qu’en 2013, pour souligner leur journée d’affranchissement de l’impôt, selon les calculs annuels de l’Institut Fraser. La journée d’affranchissement de l’impôt mesure le total des impôts ...

  7. Piketty fait fausse route

      Le best-seller mondial de Thomas Piketty, Le capital au XXIe siècle, a suscité plus de débats dans les milieux universitaire et intellectuel que tout autre livre d’économie des dernières années. Google affiche 11,8 millions de résultats de recherche sur ...

  8. Le budget du Québec, prochaine étape d'un plan de redressement

      Le gouvernement du premier ministre Couillard déposera son premier budget le 4 juin et les premiers signes laissent présager de profonds changements. « L’heure n’est plus aux changements cosmétiques. Il faut agir de façon ferme, décisive. Et nous le ...

  9. Elmira Aliakbari

    Elmira Aliakbari is Director of the Centre for Natural Resource Studies at the Fraser Institute. ...

  10. Ross McKitrick

    Professor of Economics, University of Guelph Ross R. McKitrick is a Professor of Economics at the University of Guelph and a Senior Fellow of the Fraser Institute. He is the author of  Economic Analysis of Environmental Policy published by the University ...