
Résultats de la recherche

  1. Claude Montmarquette

    Économiste de réputation internationale, Claude Montmarquette est professeur émérite à l'Université de Montréal et chercheur au CIRANO, le Centre interuniversitaire de recherche, de liaison et de transfert des savoirs en analyse des organisations. ...

  2. Claudia Hepburn

    Executive Director, The Next 36 Claudia Hepburn is the founder of the Children First: School Choice Trust, the only program in Canada to have won the Templeton Award for Social Entrepreneurship. Claudia was the founding Managing Director of The Fraser ...

  3. Clayton H. Riddell

    Born near Treherne, Manitoba, Clayton H. Riddell grew up in Winnipeg, graduating from the University of Manitoba in 1959 (BSc Geology). His career began with Chevron, but by 1969 the entrepreneurial spirit took over. Through exploration and development in ...

  4. Clive Seligman

    Clive Seligman is also the President of the Society for Academic Freedom and Scholarship. He is a member of the CANSTATS board of advisors. ...

  5. Colin Robertson

    Colin Robertson was appointed by Prime Minister Martin in April 2004 as Minister (Advocacy) and Head of the new Advocacy Secretariat at the Canadian Embassy in Washington. The Secretariat was created to enhance Canada's advocacy activities with ...

  6. Conrad Black

    The Hon. Conrad M. Black, P.C., O.C., is Chairman of the Board of Directors Chief Executive Officer and Director, Hollinger International Inc., New York, Chicago, Hollinger Inc., Toronto, and Argus Corporation, Ltd. Toronto Lord Black has held these or ...

  7. Conrad Winn

    Conrad Winn (Ph.D. Wharton) is Chief Executive Officer and founding chairman of Carleton Opinion Marketing and Public Affairs Surveys, Inc. (COMPAS). He is widely known to Canadians as a result of his frequent appearances on television programs like Mike ...

  8. Corin Taylor

    Corin Taylor is an economics analyst at the influential British think tank, Reform. Reform has led the debate for change in the UK, achieving particular successes with the National Health Service, where reforms to empower patients have reduced waiting ...

  9. Cornelia Baines

    Dr. Cornelia J. Baines is a member of the CANSTATS board of advisors. ...

  10. Costas Panagopoulos

    Dr. Costas Panagopoulos is the President and CEO of XVOTES and the Director of the Center for Electoral Politics and Democracy at Fordham University. He is a leading expert on campaigns, elections, public opinion, and campaign finance, and has worked in ...