
Résultats de la recherche

  1. Teri Sproul

    Teri Sproul, graduated with a Bachelor of Public Relations degree from Mount Saint Vincent University in 2007, and is looking forward to continuing her education in International Communications at Macquarie University in Sydney, Australia.  She is the ...

  2. Terry Glavin

    Terry Glavin is a Canadian author, journalist, and co-founder of the Canada-Afghanistan Solidarity Committee. He has written or co-written 10 books, including Come from the Shadows: The Long and Lonely Struggle for Peace in Afghanistan, and is currently a ...

  3. Thaddeus Lott

    Others speak about Dr. Lott and the role of the principal: Any successful school by anybody's measure, from either community or statistics or standards or accountability, can always be traced back to the principal. …Larry Payne, Director, University ...

  4. The Hon. Stephen Harper

    The Hon. Stephen Harper began his career in public service in 1985 as a parliamentary assistant to a Progressive Conservative MP. In 1987, he became a founding member of the Reform Party of Canada, where he served as the party's first Chief Policy ...

  5. Thomas Borcherding

    Thomas E. Borcherding received his B.A. (High Honours) from the University of Cincinnati in 1961 and his Ph. D. from Duke University in 1966. He is now Professor of Economics at Simon Fraser University in Burnaby, British Columbia, and has just returned ...

  6. Thomas d'Aquino

    Thomas d'Aquino is President and Chief Executive of the Canadian Council of Chief Executives, formerly known as the Business Council on National Issues. Composed of the chief executives of 150 leading Canadian enterprises, the Council is a non ...

  7. Thomas Lutes

    Thomas Lutes is an associate in the Vancouver office of the national law firm, Fraser Milner Casgrain. He practises in the area of aboriginal law, with an emphasis on resource and consultation issues for aboriginal, industry, and government clients. ...

  8. Thomas Slone

    Thomas H. Sloane has been a scientist on the Carcinogenic Potency Project at the University of California, Berkeley and at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory for 17 years. He has co-authored many of the principal publications of the project. ...

  9. Thomas Thorn

    Thomas Thorn is pursuing a Master's degree in Economics this fall at the University of Victoria, with a focus on financial economics. He is also pursuing the Chartered Financial Analyst designation. ...

  10. Thomas Wilson

    Thomas A. Wilson is also the Area Coordinator for Business Economics at the Faculty of Management. Professor Wilson's research interests include fiscal and tax policy, applied macro-economic modelling, and industrial organization. He has published ...