
Résultats de la recherche

  1. Norman B. Keevil

    Dr. Norman B. Keevil has been in the mining industry for some 50 years. After stints with the GSC and Placer Development, he joined Teck Corporation in 1962. He became President and Chief Executive Officer in 1981 and Chairman and CEO in 2000. Following ...

  2. Norman Ornstein

    Norman J. Ornstein is a resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute. He also serves as an election analyst for CBS News and writes a weekly column called Congress Inside Out for Roll Call newspaper. ...

  3. Norman Stamper

    Chief Norman Stamper, Ph.D., was a police officer for 34 years. He served as chief of the Seattle Police Department from 1994 to 2000. In his 28 years with SDPD Norm rose quickly through the ranks and as a deputy chief served in each of the agency's ...

  4. Norman Zlotkin

    Norman K. Zlotkin, Professor, College of Law, University of Saskatchewan, LL.B. (Toronto), LL.M (London); Research Director, University of Saskatchewan Native Law Centre, 1982-1986. Practised law in Ontario, 1973 to 1981, specializing in the rights of ...

  5. Obioma Osuji

    Obioma Osuji is in the final year of an Honours Business degree at the Richard Ivey School of Business in London, Ontario. His specialization is in finance, and he is a teaching assistant for Ivey's introductory finance course. ...

  6. Olavi Kärner

    Olavi Kärner studied mathematics at the University of Tartu, Estonia before receiving his Ph.D. in Atmospheric Physics from the Leningrad Hydrometeorological Institute in 1974. In 1966, Dr. Kärner joined the Tartu Observatory in Tõravere, Estonia, and ...

  7. Olivier Coche

    Olivier Coche holds a B.Sc. in economics and politics from the Unversité de Montréal. He is currently studying law at the Unversité de Montréal. He has worked as a research assistant on the Fraser-initiated research project on Canadian language policies ...

  8. Ollivia Sexton


  9. Omar Samad

    His Excellency Omar Samad is the Ambassador of Afghanistan to Canada. ...

  10. Onkar Ghate

    Onkar Ghate has a PhD in philosophy and is a senior fellow at the Ayn Rand Institute (ARI) in Irvine, California. ARI promotes objectivism, the philosophy of Ayn Rand, author of Atlas Shrugged and The Fountainhead. Objectivism argues for the necessity of ...