
Résultats de la recherche

  1. Richard Starr

    Richard Starr is Research Fellow at the Competitiveness Center of Hudson Institute. ...

  2. Richard Stevenson

    Richard Stevenson directs the Health Economics Unit and lectures in the Department of Economics at Liverpool University in the United Kingdom. He has done research and has published in many areas of health economics. His interest in illegal drugs stems ...

  3. Richard Stroup

    Richard L. Stroup is a Professor of Economics at Montana State University and a Senior Associate of the Political Economy Research Centre. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Washington in 1970 and was the Director of the Office of Policy ...

  4. Richard Thorpe

    Rick Thorpe was appointed Minister of Competition, Science and Enterprise on June 5, 2001. Mr. Thorpe previously served as Official Opposition critic for small business, tourism and culture. He was chair of the Select Standing Committee on Public Accounts ...

  5. Richard Tren

    Richard Tren is Director of the health advocacy group Africa Fighting Malaria and is based in Washington, DC. ...

  6. Richard Vedder

    Richard Vedder is a Distinguished Professor of Economics at Ohio University in Athens, Ohio, and an Adjunct Scholar at the American Enterprise Institute. ...

  7. Richard Willson

    Richard C. Willson holds a doctoral degree in Atmospheric Sciences from the University of California-Los Angeles and B.S. and M.S. degrees in Physics from the University of Colorado. He is a Senior Research Scientist in the employ of Columbia University& ...

  8. Rick Anderson

    Rick Anderson is Executive Vice President of Interborder Holdings. He is active in the areas of strategic communications, regulatory and government affairs and marketing for Interborder Holdings and for Interborder affiliates Walton and Partners in ...

  9. Rick Audas

    Rick Audas is from the Faculty of Administration at the University of New Brunswick. ...

  10. Rick Baker
