
Résultats de la recherche

  1. Les Vertesi

    Dr. Les Vertesi is a nationally recognized Emergency Physician with 30 years of clinical experience in high acuity trauma/referral ER. He is an expert in Emergency Medicine, ER, Hospital Administration and Medical-Legal issues, with a track record for ...

  2. Lewis MacKenzie

    Lewis MacKenzie One of Canada's most prominent soldiers and one of the most experienced peacekeepers in the world, Major-General (ret.) Lewis MacKenzie is uniquely qualified to discuss the several dimensions of this problem. Prior to his retirement a ...

  3. Lindsay Donders

    Lindsay Donders successfully completed a Fraser Institute internship in the School Performance Studies department in the summer of 2005. She holds an Honours BA in Economics from Simon Fraser University. In the fall of 2006, she will begin graduate ...

  4. Lindsay Mitchell


  5. Lisa Oliphant

    Lisa E. Oliphant, an entitlements-policy analyst at the Washington, DC-based Cato Institute, is the author of Four Years of Welfare Reform: A Progress Report, Cato Policy Analysis No. 378, August 2000. ...

  6. Lisa Skumatz

    Lisa A. Skumatz, an economist, is Principal of Boulder Colorado-based research and consulting firm Skumatz Economic Research Associates (SERA). Ms. Skumatz and SERA are best known for pioneering research on pay as you throw (PAYT), user-pay, or incentives ...

  7. Lisa-Diane Fortier

    604-714-4569 [email protected] ...

  8. Liv Fredricksen

    Liv Fredricksen is a former researcher at The Fraser Institute in the Centre for Risk, Regulation, and Environment and the Centre for Trade and Globalization Studies. While at the Institute, Ms. Fredricksen co-ordinated several editions of the ...

  9. Lois Swirsky Gold

    Lois Swirsky Gold is Director of the Carcinogenic Potency Project and a Senior Scientist, Univeristy of California, Berkeley and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. She has published 100 papers on analyses of animal cancer tests and implications for ...

  10. Lori Coady
