
Résultats de la recherche

  1. Alana Wilson

    Alana Wilson is a former Senior Economist with the Fraser Institute’s Centre for Natural Resources. She managed the content development for the Mining Facts website and analyzed mining policy and the impacts of mining in Canada and overseas. Ms. Wilson ...

  2. Alasdair Roberts

    Alasdair Roberts is a Canadian specialist on access to information law. He is Director of the Campbell Public Affairs Institute, a research center of the Maxwell School of Syracuse University. ...

  3. Albert Schumacher

    Dr. Albert Schumacher is a nationally recognized leader in health care advocacy and public health protection and promotion. Dr. Schumacher is among the youngest physicians ever to have served as president of the Canadian Medical Association (2004-2005) ...

  4. Aldyen Donnelly

    Since 1996, Aldyen Donnelly has been the President of GEMCo, the Greenhouse Emissions Management Consortium. GEMCo is a not-for profit corporation formed by Canadian energy companies to demonstrate industry leadership in the development of market-based ...

  5. Alec Robertson

    Alec C. Robertson received his Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Laws from the University of British Columbia in 1955 and 1957 respectively. In 1958, he received his Master of Laws degree from Harvard Law School. He returned to British Columbia and in ...

  6. Alecsandra Dragne

    Alecsandra Dragne is in her fourth year at UBC as an international relations major and economics minor, specializing in international economic development. She has been a Fraser Institute intern in the Development department since September 2010. ...

  7. Alex Bartos

    Alex Bartos holds a B.S.S. degree in Economics from the University of Ottawa, and a B.A. in Political Science from Simon Fraser University. He has worked for both federal and provincial elected representatives, founded and was president of the SFU ...

  8. Alex Gainer

    Alex Gainer was a Research Economist in the Fiscal Studies Department at The Fraser Institute. He worked on a range of policy issues including labour relations, government failure, business creation and charitable giving. Mr. Gainer is coauthor of ...

  9. Alex Rosenberg

    Alexander Rosenberg, Ph.D. is Professor of Philosophy at Duke University and is co-director of the Duke University Center for the Philosophy of Biology. His particular interests include the relationship between molecular, functional, and evolutionary ...

  10. Alex Singleton

    Alex Singleton is Director-General of the Globalisation Institute, which is based in London, England. ...