
Résultats de la recherche

  1. Bulletin des écoles secondaires du Québec 2019

    Le Bulletin des écoles secondaires du Québec présente divers indicateurs de performance des écoles, choisis pour leur pertinence et leur objectivité, afin de permettre à tous les intéressés – parents, directions d’écoles, enseignants, élèves et ...

  2. Dr. Jehangir Appoo

    Associate Research Professor, University of Calgary Dr. Jehangir Appoo, Senior Fellow at the Fraser Institute, is an Associate Research Professor at the University of Calgary where he works on clinical research in cardiac surgery. He helped establish 2 ...

  3. Jairo Yunis

    Jairo Yunis is a former Policy Analyst at the Fraser Institute. ...

  4. Hongkong: La liberté économique ne garantit pas la liberté politique

    Paru dans Le Figaro, 17 Septembre 2019 La semaine dernière, la cheffe de l’exécutif de Hongkong, Carrie Lam, a annoncé que son gouvernement retirerait le projet de loi qui aurait sapé l’État de droit en autorisant des extraditions vers la Chine ...

  5. Boris Nikolaev

    Assistant Professor of Entrepreneurship in the Hankamer School of Business Boris Nikolaev is an Assistant Professor of Entrepreneurship in the Hankamer School of Business, a Research Associate with the Baugh Center for Entrepreneurship & Free ...

  6. Daniel L. Bennett

    Research Professor, John F. Baugh Center for Entrepreneurship & Free Enterprise at Baylor University Daniel L. Bennett is a Research Professor at the John F. Baugh Center for Entrepreneurship & Free Enterprise at Baylor University. Prior to ...

  7. Andrew Reed


  8. Tegan Hill

    Tegan Hill is Director, Alberta Policy at the Fraser Institute. ...

  9. Mackenzie Moir

    Senior Policy Analyst, Fraser Institute Mackenzie Moir is a Senior Policy Analyst at the Fraser Institute. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Nursing from York University and a Master of Science in Health Policy and Research from the University of Alberta. ...

  10. Regina Herzlinger

    Regina Herzlinger is the Nancy R. McPherson Professor of Business Administration at Harvard Business School. ...