
Résultats de la recherche

  1. Geoffrey Alchin

    Geoffrey Alchin is a recent graduate student with a master’s degree in Political Science from the University of Windsor. During his graduate studies, he accumulated a series of awards, including the Joseph-Armand Bombardier Canada Graduate Scholarship ...

  2. Dave Quist

    Senior Fellow, Fraser Institute Dave Quist is a Senior Fellow in Social Policy at the Fraser Institute.  He completed his Bachelor of Science studies at the University of Oregon and his Master of Public Administration at Queen’s University. He was the ...

  3. Bulletin des écoles secondaires du Québec 2017

    Le Bulletin des écoles secondaires du Québec 2017 présente le classement de 455 écoles secondaires publiques et privées, francophones et anglophones, lequel est fondé principalement sur les résultats obtenus aux épreuves provinciales dans les disciplines ...

  4. Krishna Chaitanya Vadlamannati

    Assistant Professor, University College Dublin Krishna Chaitanya Vadlamannati is an assistant professor at the School of Politics and International Relations (SPIRe), University College Dublin (UCD), Ireland. He has a Ph.D. in Economics from Heidelberg ...

  5. Indra de Soysa

    Professor, Norwegian University of Science and Technology Indra de Soysa is professor of political science at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway. He holds a Ph.D. in Political Science from the University of Alabama in ...

  6. Richard J. Grant

    Professor, Lipscomb University Richard J. Grant is Professor of Finance and Economics at Lipscomb University and a Senior Fellow at the Beacon Center of Tennessee. Prof. Grant was an officer in the Canadian Armed Forces, is a graduate of McMaster ...

  7. Le Québec est devenu un chef de file de la fiscalité au Canada, alors que l’Ontario et l’Alberta s’endettent

    Le Québec se défait de sa réputation de mauvais gestionnaire financier alors que l’Ontario et l’Alberta, les anciens moteurs de l’économie du pays, subissent une croissance rapide de leur dette gouvernementale, selon une nouvelle étude publiée aujourd’hui ...

  8. Education Spending and Public Student Enrolment in Canada, 2017 Edition

    English Les dépenses par élève dans les écoles publiques du Québec ont augmenté de près de 25 pour cent au cours de la dernière décennie malgré la baisse de l’effectif étudiant dans la province, selon une nouvelle étude de l’Institut Fraser, un groupe de ...

  9. Vancouver High School Seminar 1 (Grades 10-12): Why Do People Behave the Way They Do? An Introduction to Economic Reasoning

    Language French This fun one-day seminar consists of a mix of short lectures, games and activities that introduce economic principles using real-life examples. Content form this seminar has direct overlap with the NEW Economics 12 BC Curriculum*. This ...

  10. Access Denied (403)

    The page you are looking for is not here. It may have been removed, changed or unavailable at the moment. If you typed the URL in the address bar, please make sure that it is spelled correctly. Or try searching for it using the search form below. If you ...