
Résultats de la recherche

  1. Scott Moody

    Scott Moody is the former Director of U.S. Fiscal Policy for the Fraser Institute. He has worked as a tax policy economist for more than 10 years and is the author, co-author and editor of more than 50 articles and books. Prior to joining the Fraser ...

  2. Scott Reid

    Scott Reid was born in 1964 in Hull, Quebec. He received his BA in Political Science (1985) and his MA in History (1989)from Carleton University in Ottawa. Since aquiring his degrees he has been an Assistant Editor for Liberty Magazine, a Senior ...

  3. Sean McCarthy

    Sean McCarthy was an intern in the Centre for Canadian-American Relations at The Fraser Institute in 2006. He earned a Commerce degree from the University of Saskatchewan, majoring in finance. Before joining the Institute, he worked as an intern for the ...

  4. Sébastien A. Côté

    Sébastien A. Côté est directeur pour le Québec à l’Institut Fraser. Il est titulaire d’un baccalauréat en économie de l’Université McGill et d’une maîtrise en Relations internationales de l’Université Laval. Avant de rejoindre l’Institut, il a travaillé ...

  5. Serge Godin

    Serge Godin is the Founder and Executive Chairman of the Board of CGI. ...

  6. Seyitbek Usmanov


  7. Shachi Kurl

    Shachi Kurl is the Canadian Federation of Independent Businesses Director of Provincial Affairs for BC and Yukon where she works with all levels of government to represent the interests of CFIB’s small business members in British Columbia and the Yukon. ...

  8. Shahrokh Shahabi-Azad


  9. Shahzia Teja

    Shahzia Teja has an MA in Economics from the University of Guelph. She was a 2006 research intern in The Fraser Institute's Department of Health and Pharmaceutical Policy Research. ...

  10. Shankar Kamath
