
Résultats de la recherche

  1. Pierre L. Siklos

    Pierre L. Siklos, Ph.D., specializes in macroeconomics, with an emphasis on the study of central banks. His research has been published in several international journals. His research has been funded by domestic and international agencies. In 1999, he was ...

  2. Corporate welfare for Michelin—another example of wrongheaded policy

    In 2017, the provincial government spent $310 million on corporate welfare. ...

  3. Le coût des subventions aux entreprises au Canada

    Les dépenses des gouvernements fédéral, provinciaux et locaux en subventions aux entreprises ont totalisé 352,1 milliards $ (ajustées en fonction de l’inflation) de 2007 à 2019. Pour mettre les choses en perspective, le Canada a dépensé 327,5 milliards $ ...

  4. Jason Childs

    Jason Childs, Ph.D., has published a wide array of articles in international academic journals, consulting reports, and other works. In addition, he has co-authored textbooks in micro and macro economics. His research has explored issues of international ...

  5. Comparaison de la rémunération des secteurs public et privé au Québec, édition 2023

    Principales conclusions En utilisant les données sur les travailleurs individuels de janvier à décembre 2021, ce rapport estime le différentiel salarial entre les secteurs public et privé au Québec. Il évalue également quatre avantages non salariaux pour ...

  6. Douglas Allen

    Douglas Allen is the Burnaby Mountain Professor of Economics at Simon Fraser University. His research is in the field of institutional and organizational economics, and spans four general areas: theory, marriage, history, and agriculture. He is the author ...

  7. Marvin Olasky

    Marvin Olasky is a former academic, now retired, but still active across a number of interests. He earned a BA in American Studies from Yale University and a PhD from the University of Michigan in American Culture. He was a professor at the University of ...

  8. Eugene F. Fama

    Robert R. McCormick Distinguished Professor of Finance, University of Chicago Eugene F. Fama is the Robert R. McCormick Distinguished Professor of Finance at the University of Chicago, Booth School of Business. Professor Fama completed his undergraduate ...

  9. Derek H. Burney

    Chairman, Burney Investment Group and Enablence Technology Inc. Derek H. Burney, OC, is Chairman of Burney Investment Group as well as Enablence Technology Inc. and a member of the Advisory Board of Paradigm Capital Inc. He has a long and successful ...

  10. Mesurer la performance fiscale des premiers ministres du Canada 2022

    Parmi les premiers ministres canadiens, François Legault, québécois, se classe au 8e rang en matière de gestion des finances provinciales, tandis que Blaine Higgs, au Nouveau-Brunswick, s’y classe au premier rang, selon une nouvelle étude publiée aujourd ...