
Résultats de la recherche

  1. Leanne McConnachie, MSc, BA

    Leanne McConnachie, MSc, BA joined UBC's graduate program in Animal Welfare in 2004, and completed her Master of Science degree in Sprint 2007. Leanne has worked as a consultant to various non-profit organizations and donors, most recently directing ...

  2. Lee Bowes

    Dr. Lee Bowes began her career in employment in the mid-1970s. While a graduate student at Columbia University's School of Social Work, she formulated her theory that work should be the central social policy. Rather than an emphasis on income support ...

  3. Lee Gillespie-White

    Lee Gillespie-White is a South African lawyer currently residing in Washington, DC. She is a contributor to the International Intellectual Property Institute's report Patent Protection and Access to HIV/AIDS Pharmaceuticals in Sub-Saharan Africa ...

  4. Les Vertesi

    Dr. Les Vertesi is a nationally recognized Emergency Physician with 30 years of clinical experience in high acuity trauma/referral ER. He is an expert in Emergency Medicine, ER, Hospital Administration and Medical-Legal issues, with a track record for ...

  5. Lewis MacKenzie

    Lewis MacKenzie One of Canada's most prominent soldiers and one of the most experienced peacekeepers in the world, Major-General (ret.) Lewis MacKenzie is uniquely qualified to discuss the several dimensions of this problem. Prior to his retirement a ...

  6. Lindsay Donders

    Lindsay Donders successfully completed a Fraser Institute internship in the School Performance Studies department in the summer of 2005. She holds an Honours BA in Economics from Simon Fraser University. In the fall of 2006, she will begin graduate ...

  7. Lindsay Mitchell


  8. Lisa Oliphant

    Lisa E. Oliphant, an entitlements-policy analyst at the Washington, DC-based Cato Institute, is the author of Four Years of Welfare Reform: A Progress Report, Cato Policy Analysis No. 378, August 2000. ...

  9. Lisa Skumatz

    Lisa A. Skumatz, an economist, is Principal of Boulder Colorado-based research and consulting firm Skumatz Economic Research Associates (SERA). Ms. Skumatz and SERA are best known for pioneering research on pay as you throw (PAYT), user-pay, or incentives ...

  10. Lisa-Diane Fortier

    604-714-4569 [email protected] ...