
Résultats de la recherche

  1. John Freebairn

    John Freebairn is a Professor and Head of the Department of Economics, University of Melbourne, Australia. He is a graduate of the University of New England and the University of California, Davis. His research interests are taxation reform, unemployment, ...

  2. John Fund

    John Fund is an award winning journalist for The Wall Street Journal. ...

  3. John Fund(2)

    John Fund is an American political journalist and currently the national-affairs columnist for National Review Online, senior editor at The American Spectator and a political analyst for FOX News. He worked for The Wall Street Journal for more than two ...

  4. John Furedy

    John J. Furedy, Ph.D., is Professor of Psychology at the University of Toronto and has a cross appointment at the Center for Brain Research at Ege University in Turkey. He is also Vice-President for International Affiliation for the Foundation for the ...

  5. John Howard

    Hon. John Howard is the Former Australian Prime Minister. ...

  6. John Howard(2)

    John L. Howard, QC was Senior Vice-President, Law and Corporate Affairs, MacMillan Bloedel Limited until his retirement October 1996. He obtained degrees in law and business administration from the University of British Columbia and Harvard, was appointed ...

  7. John Hunter

    John has worked in the energy industry for some 30 years, living and working in Canada, Venezuela and Mexico, and with assignments in Indonesia, China, the USA, and the Philippines. Before forming his own company, he held senior executive appointments ...

  8. John Ibbitson

    John Ibbitson, political affairs columnist for the Globe and Mail, has lived numerous writing lives, including those of playwright, novelist and journalist. Born in the small Ontario town of Gravenhurst, he wrote his first published play, Catalyst (Simon ...

  9. John Luik

    John C. Luik taught philosophy and management studies at a number of universities, has been Senior Associate of the Niagara Institute with responsibility for its work in public policy and leadership and organizational change, and has worked as a ...

  10. John Matsusaka

    John G. Matsusaka is a Professor in the Faculty of Business at the University of Southern California. ...