atlantic canada

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McNeil government should reduce income tax rates to spur Nova Scotia’s COVID recovery

High rates can influence people’s decisions on where to work or start new businesses.

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Atlantic Canadians rely on programs that rely on Albertans

In 2019, equalization represented 15.5 per cent of provincial revenue in Nova Scotia.

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Ottawa tweaks regulations for Newfoundland and Labrador’s oil and gas sector

While the regulatory change is welcome news, significant reforms are still required to restore investor confidence.

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P.E.I. deficit may be bigger than forecasts

Forecasts project a -5.1 per cent decline in the province's GDP.

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Estimating the recessionary impact on Nova Scotia finances: Part 2

Nova Scotia’s net debt is projected to eclipse $17 billion this year.

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Nova Scotians pay dearly for health-care wait times

Wait times cost Canadians up to $1,963 for each person waiting for treatment.

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Nova Scotia budget is balanced, but concerns loom over debt and taxes

The province projects a $535 million increase in net debt this year alone.

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Interest on government debt—a costly problem for the Rock
Provincial interest payments are projected to equal $2,675 for every man, woman and child.