bc debt

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Another big spending budget would drown B.C. government in red ink

In 2022/23, the latest year of complete data, inflation-adjusted spending reached a record high of $14,275 per person.

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B.C. government’s spending spike sparks debt boom

This fiscal year the province's debt interest costs with reach $3.3 billion.

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B.C.’s coming debt boom will make COVID deficits look like small potatoes

The province is on track to add more debt than it did during the 2008/09 recession and pandemic.

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B.C.’s pending debt boom—elections matter

The province's net debt will reach a projected $97.2 billion in 2024/25.

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B.C. government paves way for historic run-up in debt

The province's debt-to-GDP ratio will climb to a projected 22.5 per cent in 2025.

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High spending triggers avalanche of debt in B.C.
The province's annual debt interest payments will increase by 45 per cent between 2022 and 2025.

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B.C. ramps up spending and increases size of government

Public-sector capital investment is pegged at $48.5 billion over the next three years.

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B.C. lags behind neighbours on key measure of economic well-being

Oregon's per-person GDP was 20 per cent higher than in B.C.