capital gains tax

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The Trump administration is negotiating tax reform that could make the U.S. much more attractive for investment and skilled workers.

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Capital gains tax revenue from individual Canadians amounts to $4.3 billion each year.

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If governments eliminated corporate taxes, they'd eliminate the double taxation of corporate profits.

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Some speculate that Justin Trudeau’s government may raise the tax rate on capital gains in next week's federal budget.

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Canada enjoyed an economic and fiscal renaissance starting in the mid-1990s that lasted more than a decade.

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This year's federal budget wasn’t all that surprising. Many of the government’s big initiatives were already announced or telegraphed in the Conservatives’ 2011 platform. The remainder included a smattering of smaller initiatives to satisfy various interest groups in advance of the federal election.

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A number of prominent Canadians, including Bank of Canada Governor Stephen Poloz, have raised concerns about the state of business start-ups and entrepreneurship in Canada. There is no question that entrepreneurship is critical to a well-functioning, prosperous economy.

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After seven years of budget deficits and over $160 billion in new debt, the federal government confirmed in its financial update Wednesday that it expects to record a surplus next year.