central bank

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Learn from ‘Nixon shock’—control central bankers, limit ability to debase currency

President Nixon ended the convertibility of the U.S. dollar into gold.

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Modern Monetary Theory, Part 4: MMT and quantitative easing

Since the 2008-2009 financial crisis, central banks in Canada and elsewhere have pursued quantitative easing.

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The realities of central banking

President Trump’s recent attacks on the U.S. Federal Reserve underscore the important role central banks play in any economy.

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In the 1970s the Bank of Canada switched to monetarist money-supply targeting.

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The higher-than-expected inflation of the late-1980s was one reason the bank switched to inflation targeting.

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Only surprises have real effects, Friedman argued, but their effects last only until people realize what’s going on.

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In countries whose currencies have risen against the U.S. dollar, there’s “flow-through deflation” as imports get cheaper.