federal spending

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Trudeau government spending large on Canada’s credit card

Federal program spending in 2021/22 is $54.4 billion higher than planned in November 2020.

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Federal ‘stimulus’ spending will likely arrive late with minimal benefits

The government says $101 billion in stimulus spending is required for “sustained economic recovery.”

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Federal budget lacks realistic recovery plan despite all the red ink

The federal debt-to-GDP ratio will reach 51.2 per cent, the highest level since 1999.

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As Trudeau government tables budget, don’t be fooled by positive short-term economic news

Between 2016 and 2019, per-person GDP grew at an average annual rate of only 0.8 per cent.

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Advocates of universal basic income ignore enormous price tag

A basic income program will disincentivize work and may not alleviate poverty.

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Spending reductions—not tax increases—key to economic recovery and budget balance
According to current projections, the federal government will not balance the budget until 2050.

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Guaranteed annual income program could cost $465 billion per year

Bill C-273 calls on the federal finance minister to assess a potential guaranteed annual income in Canada.

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Trudeau government poised to embrace much more federal debt

This year's federal budget deficit will reach a projected $381 billion.

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Comparing pre-recession economic performance—Chrétien vs. Trudeau

Per-person GDP growth was 4.8 times greater during the Chrétien period than the Trudeau period.