oil and gas

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The historical record suggests that sharp declines in oil prices are followed by substantial price recovery.

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If a carbon tax is implemented, it will likely be on top of the extensive regulation Canadians already face.

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Enbridge won the support of the majority of aboriginal groups along the path of the pipeline.

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The value of Canada’s total oil output is just under five per cent of GDP.

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The Notley government is spinning like mad to distance itself from some painful numbers.

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As oil royalties have fallen, Albertans have endured multiple tax hikes and a S&P downgrade.

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The new tax scheme will cost a family of four about $338 extra in 2017.

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Since taking office, Alberta Premier Rachel Notley has been very aggressive on the climate file. Attempting to remedy what she portrayed as a history of environmental negligence by her predecessors , the premier swiftly increased and expanded Alberta’s carbon tax, placed a hard cap on carbon dioxide emissions, set stiff targets for reducing methane emissions, declared an accelerated phase-out of coal power generation, and promised to replace much of that power with costlier wind or solar power generation.

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The province has run an operating deficit in all but one year since 2008/09—even when oil prices exceeded $90 per barrel.

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There are 175 collective bargaining agreements with public-sector employees coming up for negotiation in the near future.