ontario deficit

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Fiscal headwinds heighten need for spending reductions in Ontario

The Ford government now forecasts a $11.3 billion deficit this year.

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Globe and Mail understates Ontario’s fiscal challenge

Throughout the 1970s and ’80s, governments across the country regularly ran deficits and racked up debt.

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Ford government's slow and steady fiscal approach fraught with risk

According to forecasts, by 2023/24, Ontario's annual government debt interest costs will hit $15.5 billion.

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Ontario's debt binge will continue

Over the next five years, net debt is expected to climb at an annual average rate of $9.6 billion per year.

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Ford’s first budget must fulfill campaign promises

Program spending this year is projected to be $17.7 billion higher than two years ago.

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Ford government should recognize 'recession' risks of huge deficit

Ontario is running a $14.5 billion budget deficit.

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Increased public school spending contributing to Ontario’s deficit

Over a decade, inflation-adjusted per-student spending rose by 18.5 per cent.

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Government spending burying Ontarians in debt

Ontario’s “share” of the federal deficit this year will be approximately $7.1 billion.