ontario finances

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Ontario’s debt legacy makes balancing budget harder

According to the 2020 budget, the government will spend an estimated $12.5 billion on debt interest.

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Three recessions tell Ontario’s debt story

In 1990, Ontario’s debt-to-GDP ratio stood at 13 per cent.

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Ontario needs growth and prosperity in all regions—not just two big ones

The Toronto and Ottawa metropolitan areas were responsible for 98.6 per cent of all net job growth in the province.

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Ford’s former finance minister proffers sound advice for his successor

Ontario's net debt will reach a forecasted $390 billion within the next five years.

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Globe and Mail misrepresents state of Ontario finances
The government forecasts an increase in debt to nearly $400 billion by the end of its first term.

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Ford budget falls short of what Ontario needs

Ontario's debt will hit a projected $391.6 billion by 2023/24.

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Doug Ford

Government-sector employees in Ontario are paid approximately 13 per cent more than comparable private-sector workers.

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Dear Premier Ford, please look forward—not back

If the government exercises spending restraint, it can eliminate Ontario’s $15 billion deficit in roughly three years.

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How to start cleaning up Ontario's finances—fast

The FAO projects a deficit of $12 billion due to higher spending and weak revenue growth.

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What can Doug Ford learn from Jean Chretien

The province’s debt load will hit $325 billion this year.