school choice

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L’édition 2016 du Bulletin des écoles secondaires du Québec vient de paraître et, comme à chaque année, il ne laisse personne indifférent.

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La pause estivale s’achève et de nombreux parents au Québec s’activent présentement à préparer leurs enfants en vue de la rentrée des classes.

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Independent schools and charter schools leverage public dollars towards cost-effective alternative approaches to education.

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Charter schools are particularly well-equipped and effective at serving the needs of students of disadvantaged populations.

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Activists should not be allowed to impose their vision of indigenous education on all indigenous families.

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In Ontario, more and more parents are choosing to enroll their children in independent schools.

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Expectations are growing in many circles that the new NDP government in Alberta will be transformative.

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As students across Canada wrap up another school year, we know that some students won’t be back in the fall. They may be barred from schools because of striking teachers. Or they may be home—in school.