Total business investment declined by 0.2 per cent per year between 2016 and 2019.
small business
The Trudeau government sees the government itself as the driver of prosperity, and the private sector, including entrepreneurs, small business owners and investors playing a secondary role.
Prime Minister Trudeau is on track to increase per-person federal debt more than any other prime minister in Canadian history who didn’t face a world war or economic recession.
The PC platform would not reduce the sky-high top marginal rate facing highly-skilled workers.
The Wynne government’s “Fair Hydro Act” borrows money, which must be paid back, to lower energy costs.
As a share of GDP, business investment in Canada stands around 11 per cent.
The 10.5 per cent small business tax rate on the first $500,000 of income creates an incentive for many Canadian firms to stay small.
The federal government wants to crack down on tax rules for small businesses.
Premier Kathleen Wynne wants to raise the minimum wage to $15 by 2019.
Carefully thinking out regulation is a lot easier to do after the fact.