natural resources

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Natural resources remain backbone of Canada’s trade and prosperity

Trade surpluses in the energy, mining, forestry and agri-food sectors offset chronic trade deficits in other sectors.

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Frontier mine decision make-or-break moment for Canada’s natural resource sector

Teck spent 10 years securing the necessary approvals from provincial and federal regulators.

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A glimmer of hope for natural resource development

The bill mandates taking account of the “gender” impacts of proposed projects.

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Capital investment in Canada’s oil and natural gas in 2017 was down 44 per cent from 2014.

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When oil prices were high, successive governments spent freely as though the good times would never end.

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Where there’s hunger, it’s typically due to politics, not because the global food supply is depleted.

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The real “resource curse” is the way successive Alberta governments squandered revenues from resource development.