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British Columbia’s Descent into Debt

British Columbia’s Descent into Debt finds that the B.C. provincial government continues with its current fiscal plans, it will become the third-most indebted province in the country by 2029/30.

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Central Bank Forward Guidance: Handle With Care

Central Bank Forward Guidance: Handle With Care is a new study that assesses the increased use and effectiveness of forward guidance by central banks—that is, providing information to the public about the projected path of their policy interest rate to shape expectations—over the last 15 to 20 years spanning the period of the Global Financial Crisis and Great Recession to the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Report Card on Alberta’s Elementary Schools 2024

The Report Card on Alberta's Elementary Schools 2024 ranks 730 public, separate, independent and charter schools based on eight academic indicators derived from provincewide test results—and finds that​ contrary to common misconceptions, the data suggest every school can improve regardless of type, location, and student characteristics.

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Report Card on Ontario’s Elementary Schools 2024

Report Card on Ontario's Elementary Schools, 2024 ranks 3021 public, Catholic, and independent elementary schools based on nine academic indicators derived from provincewide test results, finding that regardless of type, location, and student characteristics, the data suggest every school can improve.

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End of Accountability in BC High School Student Performance

The End of Accountability in British Columbia High School Student Performance finds that the B.C. government’s new student “assessments” in high schools are much less valuable and useful than the previous exams in measuring student and school performance.

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It;s Time to Move on from ESG

Two new essays in the Institute’s series on the myths and realities of the ESG movement, It’s Time to Move on from ESG and Putting Economics Back into ESG, find that imposing top-down ESG mandates will cause substantial harm to the economy and workers, and public policy objectives, such as those addressed by ESG initiatives, should be decided by and acted on by democratically elected governments, not private sector actors.

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Hydraulic Fracturing: Risks and Management

Hydraulic Fracturing: Risks and Management is a new study that finds despite the rhetoric, evidence shows that the actual harm to human welfare from hydraulic fracturing (or fracking) is extremely low, and what risks do exist can be managed and minimised.