alberta advantage

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Gaining advantage—eliminating provincial capital gains taxes in Alberta

Alberta’s personal income tax return relies on federally-determined income to calculate provincial income.

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Premier Notley has a warped view of economic recovery in Alberta

Saskatchewan increased government-sector employment by just 2.1 per cent—one-tenth of Alberta’s growth rate.

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Empty office buildings in Calgary reflect poor policy choices in Edmonton

Prior to the Notley government tax changes, Alberta’s corporate tax rate was the lowest in Canada.

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Province’s unemployment rate has hit nine per cent.

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As oil royalties have fallen, Albertans have endured multiple tax hikes and a S&P downgrade.

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The province's new top personal income tax rate is now higher than B.C.'s rate.

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If the government froze program spending at 2015/16 levels, Alberta would only accumulate $11.8 billion in debt by 2019/20.