alberta government spending

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The real “resource curse” is the way successive Alberta governments squandered revenues from resource development.

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With budget season on the horizon, the headlines may mask the magnitude of growth in government debt.

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Between 2004/05 and 2015/16, the Alberta government increased program spending by roughly 100 per cent.

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The real culprit for Alberta’s fiscal problems—and ultimately the recent credit downgrade—is several years of rapid spending growth by successive governments.

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While some provinces have taken steps to rein in spending and balance budgets, Ontario is a laggard and Alberta has embarked on a new road to debt.  

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If the first step towards remedying a problem is admitting that you have one, Alberta is a long way away from fixing its budget woes.

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Alberta’s budget, to be unveiled on Oct. 27, will contain the province’s seventh deficit in the last eight years, most recently projected at $5.9 billion.

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When Finance Minister Joe Ceci unveils Alberta’s budget on Oct. 27, Albertans can expect a sizeable deficit. In fact, the government’s latest data suggest a $5.9 billion deficit, but Minister Ceci has cautioned it could be “in the range of $6.5 billion.” In either case, the amount isn’t trivial.