business investment

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Business investment in Ontario is $50.9 billion this year, down from $53.8 billion before the recession.

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Alberta tax policies have moved in the wrong direction, reducing the incentive to invest and create jobs.

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Growth of U.S. government spending and borrowing might crowd out private-sector investment in the U.S. from Canada.

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Political pressures surrounding attempts to attract or sustain investment from high-profile foreign businesses can be overwhelming.

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The appointment of Bill Morneau as minister of finance is particularly interesting because of his involvement in the world of public policy think-tanks. In recent years, the Fraser Institute and the C.D. Howe Institute (where Mr. Morneau recently served as Chair) have both produced important research that provides insights that can help guide the policy decisions of the new finance minister on a number of different files. This series of blog posts will highlight a number of key policy areas where Mr. Morneau’s think-tank experience can be especially useful.

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There are clear parallels between the campaigns and governing approaches of President Obama and the Trudeau Liberals.

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Business investment is no longer the driving force of capital formation in Ontario. In its place, investment by the public sector has nearly doubled.