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Jennifer Lawrence stars in one of the better presentations of entrepreneurship you’ll see on film.

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Don't blame Smith or Friedman for the crimes and cronyism of others.

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When there’s no competition for services such as welfare and unemployment insurance, there’s no market discipline forcing government bureaucracies to listen to its “customers.”

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Native people and those struggling in poverty are done a great disservice by DiCaprio and others who trot out tired wrongheaded clichés about capitalism.

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Naomi Klein’s anti-capitalist vision for the future may allow for only a few lucky high-flyers.

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Some countries have high domestic levels of innovation but unequal outcomes while others have lower domestic levels of innovation but more egalitarian outcomes.

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As pretty much everyone in the world knows by now, Pope Francis published an encyclical recently On Care for Our Common Home, which discusses all things environmental—climate change, of course, but also air pollution, water pollution, sustainable development, the precautionary principle…the list goes on through 184-pages.

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In a recent column from a Toronto journalist on communism and capitalism, the writer made an astonishing claim: While “millions have been the tragic victims of communism,” he wrote, “that number pales, surely, in comparison with the victims of capitalism.”

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Any time of year is a good time to discuss poverty but the subject has obvious resonance at Christmas. Thus, unsurprisingly, Pope Francis recently wrote about the necessity of compassion for those on the margins.

In Evangelii Gaudium, the Pontiff covers much ground. He urges deliberate, thoughtful action for the world's poor and warns against the folly of loving money and worshipping consumer goods. These are calls with which no thinking, compassionate person should disagree.

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"Travel", said Francis Bacon, "is part of education for the young and a part of experience for those who are older." But there is an additional benefit from a journey outside of one's own borders: a reminder of why certain places function better than others.

In a recent trip to Hong Kong, I met with a plethora of civil servants, some politicians and a few business people, all with an obvious interest in the future of that territory. My purpose was simple: to get a sense of how that territory has held up in the face of massive change occurring in China proper.