climate change

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Plan includes $285 million in subsidies to encourage people to buy electric cars.

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Since taking office, Alberta Premier Rachel Notley has been very aggressive on the climate file. Attempting to remedy what she portrayed as a history of environmental negligence by her predecessors , the premier swiftly increased and expanded Alberta’s carbon tax, placed a hard cap on carbon dioxide emissions, set stiff targets for reducing methane emissions, declared an accelerated phase-out of coal power generation, and promised to replace much of that power with costlier wind or solar power generation.

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New climate tests are unnecessary since the effects of pipelines and LNG terminals on climate change are negligible at worst and positive at best.

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While the planned reduction in emissions may sound impressive, the effect on temperatures will likely be rather small and the costs in dollars quite high.

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Before making largely shambolic gestures using other people’s money, you should consider all the available alternatives.

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This week, the Alberta government unveiled its new strategy on climate change, aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

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For many years, Alberta has maintained a strong investment climate vis-à-vis other provinces and other energy-producing jurisdictions.

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Turns out, LEED school buildings actually consume more energy, and therefore cost more money, than non-LEED schools.

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President Obama has finally rejected the Keystone XL pipeline.