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Of the 53,109 ADR reports received in 2012, almost 80 per cent were categorized as “serious.”

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If provincial finance ministers are convinced they require more funding for health care, they have the ability to raise that revenue themselves.

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In 2014, Canadian physicians reported that patients faced an 18.2 week wait from referral by a general practitioner to receipt of treatment.

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Some Americans are ordering EpiPens from so-called “Canadian” Internet pharmacies.

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One of the unfortunate realities of Canada's monopolistic health-care system is that some people feel they have no choice but to seek the care they need outside the country.

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When stacked up against countries with similar health care goals, namely universal coverage, it quickly becomes apparent that Canada's health care system is not worth emulating. While we're a top spender, we have among the longest waiting lists, low levels of medical technologies and perhaps the problem that hits closest to home, a short supply of doctors.

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Doctors have a professional monopoly on prescribing drugs, and the profession’s leaders are right to worry about doctors who abuse this authority by co-signing prescriptions for patients whom they have never examined.