emission regulations

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Alberta/Ottawa conflict could determine fate of Canada’s future as a Confederation

Proposed clean electricity regulations will especially hurt provinces that don't have abundant hydropower resources.

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Ottawa’s new emissions plan—all pain, no gain

The cap would lead to at least $45 billion in lost economic activity in 2030 alone.

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Government’s EV push may actually increase emissions

Electric vehicles consume huge quantities of materials and their prices are trending up, not down.

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Beware of exaggerated claims of climate harm

The effect of climate change on economic growth will likely be insignificant or even positive.

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Climate activists continue their confusing crusade

According to new research, methane's impact on global warming has been overstated.

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Federal government continues its energy policy follies

Government investments in biofuels around the world have actually hurt the environment.

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Federal government continues to short-circuit its own carbon tax

Ottawa’s emissions cap essentially prevents additional production of oil and gas.

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Quebec creates its own state-sponsored environmental problems

Since the 1960s, the steel industry has been the recipient of provincial government largesse.