federal budget

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Chrétien’s fiscal prudence lessons for Prime Minister Trudeau

The federal debt going into this recession would have been $617.9 billion rather than the expected $713.2 billion.

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What would Chrétien’s budget rules have meant for Trudeau: Part 2

The Trudeau government has run five consecutive deficits since taking office in 2015 and is expected to have accumulated approximately $84.3 billion in federal debt—$713.2 billion total—by the end of 2019-20.

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Contrasting the Budget Rules of Chrétien and Trudeau: Part 1

Whereas the Chrétien government used balanced budgets as a guiding fiscal anchor, the Trudeau government has not had an effective fiscal rule imposing discipline on its spending, taxing, and borrowing decisions, resulting in the federal government being less prepared to respond to the current recession.

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Trudeau government should learn from Chrétien-era tax relief

Canada's economy is expected to grow by a tepid 1.6 per cent in 2020.

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Candidates ignore federal budget on campaign trail

In 2018, federal government spending (per-person inflation-adjusted) reached its highest point in Canadian history.

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Ottawa’s net debt projected to hit $859 billion by 2023-24

No Opposition party has signalled it would balance the budget in the near- or medium-term.