federal government

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When Finance Minister Jim Flaherty announced last week that the Conservative government will miss its target for balancing the budget, he confirmed something that should be obvious to all students of recent Canadian economic history: Crossed-finger revenue forecasts and unrealistic spending growth projections are no basis for sound economic policy.

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Slash or spend? Cut or conserve? The federal government will bring down its budget on March 22. What should be in it? We ask five prominent Canadian think-tanks to offer their fiscal fix for the coming year.

Over the past five years in office, the federal Conservatives have not exactly been a bastion of fiscal conservatism. But on March 22, Prime Minister Stephen Harper and Finance Minister Jim Flaherty have an opportunity to re-define their fiscal legacy.

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One of the most notable observations from the race for Queens Park was the lack of meaningful discussion of how to get Ontario’s economy back on track. Ontario, the traditional economic hub of Canada, is being replaced by new economic leaders in the West. Indeed, the biggest challenge facing the re-elected Liberal government is to revitalize Ontario’s lagging economy. To achieve this end, the priority must be to re-establish Ontario as one of the most attractive places to invest in Canada.