federal spending

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Government spending doesn’t buy happiness

Ottawa's child-care program simply shifted the form of care away from parents’ preference and towards the government-subsidized option.

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Ottawa and Washington wasted many billions during COVID

Overpayment recipients included 1,522 prisoners, 391 dead people and 434 children too young to be eligible.

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Canadians who want Swedish-style government should understand implications for taxpayers

In Sweden, spending increases must be offset by equivalent spending cuts to meet fiscal targets.

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The one big growth industry of the Trudeau years—the bureaucracy

From 2015 to 2022, the federal bureaucracy grew by 27 percentage points.

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No, you won’t tame inflation with more government spending

We’ve seen a steady erosion of per-capita GDP growth and persistent government deficits.

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Liberals, Tories and NDP—they all love corporate welfare

In this year’s federal budget, the government earmarked $80 billion in corporate handouts to select industries.

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Canada can’t meet NATO spending target without serious fiscal consequences

After recording eight consecutive budget deficits, the Trudeau government plans to run at least five more.

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Taxpayers on the hook for more than $110 billion due to Ottawa’s COVID waste

A significant portion of federal spending was mismanaged, poorly targeted, wasteful or simply excessive.